These values are modified to show the taskbar on jailbreak of device.

HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftShellOnTop (value: 0) HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftShellAutoHide (value: 0) It's not possible using with touchscreen, was warned in post. Is there any chance to get the start menu back somehow? If I hold it nothing happens and the device won't go to sleep mod. After installing the Garmin XT software the sleep button won't react anymore it just goes back one directory or category. Now I'm unable to use the start menu coz it was hided. Sorry for flooding.Does the LG LN500 unit has a CMOS battery? Every time I turn the device off on the side it loses all the time, memory, etc. Probably you are completely sick from my posts, please feel free to delete the irrelevant ones. To save space on card can be erased the voices (which more occupies) and help manuals in languages that don’t use -although by safety I always leave the English language-, and EULAs.

Related: Transfer locations from GoogleEarth to a Garmin GPS (.GPI) GPI, accessing them with Where to Extras. These will placed in POI folder under format.

The Europe map occupies nearly 2Gb and added with base map exceeds the 2Gb of card capacity. It would be desirable to have the Europe map, but 8Gb card is not detected. Garmin Mobile XT comes only with the base map, so it’s necessary to get our appropriate updated, in my case Spain/Portugal. Since you can’t show again, because you can’t access some options. Hide the taskbar is just possible if you only run Garmin XT, and not use GPS as a PDA.